“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ---Plato
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." ---Oscar Wilde
"I'm very emotional; I think I may go mad in several years' time." ---Freddie Mercury
A native of San Gabriel Valley, California, Sean Saraf has always been interested in abstract ideas as a concrete visual and auditory sensation. Never feeling ashamed for being human, Sean Saraf has transposed mental and emotional feelings onto canvas and in to his music. His paintings literally drip with creativity and the music reflects an honest form of mental abstraction. ERRATIC...IRREPRESSIBLE ...COLORFUL! This represents Sean's personality and belief that the world is his circus. Behind every emotion lies a vault waiting for him to unlock, which, in turn, exposes another vault to explore and to exploit. This is the essence of Sean's existence: life bursting with vitality amongst chaos.
Art Gallery

La Flaqueza Humana


Intestinal Love

Jesú Krists

Vermelda Hyd

Touching Hand

With My Bare Hands


August 18, 2012

Strange Insanity

Three Monsters

Wood Grain

The Blue One

Bloody Rome

Das Heilige Land



Yogie Suicide

Meteorite night in Nancy





I Think I'm Going to Kill My Web Designer

Hey! Did you hear that The Scream sold for over $100 million?
Questions, comments, concerns, desires……leave me your information and I shall promptly get back to you.